Meet SOFO’s Diamondback Terrapins: Children Ages 6+

Meet SOFO’s Diamondback Terrapins: Children Ages 6+

December 28, 2019 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
SOFO Members: Programs are free unless otherwise specified. Non-Members: Adults $15, Children $10 (Ages 3-12), Ages 2 & under free. This fee includes admission to the museum, in addition to the program.

Program Leader: Paul King III, South Fork Natural History Museum (SOFO) Environmental Educator

Come and learn about the only turtle in North America that spends its life in brackish water! Long Island is home to many brackish environments, including the Peconic Estuary where diamondback terrapins have hardly been studied. Learn about their special adaptations, natural habitats here on Long Island, their many predators, and what you can do to help reduce the many threats they face from humans. Join Paul to meet SOFO’s resident terrapins, and learn about how we house, feed and keep this unique and elusive species.

Advanced reservations are required for all events. For more information, reservations, and directions to meeting places, please call: (631) 537-9735.


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