Walk Leader: Melanie Meade: SOFO Education & Outreach Coordinator
Join SOFO for a short walk through the field and forest of Poxabogue County Park at dusk in search of the American Woodcock. The woodcock is a well camouflaged shorebird that inhabits forests and fields. Its colors are brown dappled leaf tones making it is hard to spot. But during spring, at dawn and dusk, the male birds are busy courting females, and this is a good opportunity to see and hear them. We will listen for the American Woodcock male’s “peent” call and watch for his aerial sky dance performance as he tries to attract a female. Reservations limited, so please reserve your spot early. This program is for adults.
There is a $15 fee for this program. Members are free.
Advanced reservations are required for all events. To register for this program, which has limited enrollment please contact us at [email protected] or call 631-537-9735. Spots will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.