Surfrider’s Blue Water Task Force: Salt Water Testing Workshop: All Ages

Surfrider’s Blue Water Task Force: Salt Water Testing Workshop: All Ages

July 7, 2018 @ 10:00 am
Sag Harbor
NY 11963

Program Leader: Colleen Henn, Clean Water Coordinator of the Eastern Long Island Chapter Surfrider Foundation.

This workshop will inform community members about the Surfrider Foundation’s efforts to improve the water quality of local marine environments. Participants will have the opportunity to: collect water samples and view past test results of other samples, learn about fecal bacteria, why it can be harmful to humans and the marine environment, and why it occurs, and find out how they can reduce pollution in our waterways in order to properly enjoy recreation in our local waters. Overall, this program seeks to teach the community about pollution in waterbodies, why it is detrimental, and how each one of us can be part of the solution.

Advance reservations are required for all events. For more information, reservations, and directions to meeting places, please call: (631) 537-9735.


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