Meet the Salamanders: Adults/Children 6+

Meet the Salamanders: Adults/Children 6+

February 1, 2020 @ 10:30 am
SOFO Members: Programs are free unless otherwise specified. Non-Members: Adults $10, Children $7.50 (Ages 3-12), Ages 2 & under free. This fee includes admission to the museum, in addition to the program.

Photo Credit: Peter Paplanus

Program Leader: Sarah Bailey, South Fork Natural History Museum (SOFO) Environmental Educator

Meet the museum’s salamanders and learn more about their fascinating life history! Many of Long Island’s salamanders spend the coldest winter months underground, but three species emerge in late winter or early spring to make incredible migrations to breed. We will learn about the preferred habitat and identifiable characteristics of our native species, while paying special attention to understanding why our mole salamanders migrate.

Advanced reservations are required for all events. For more information, reservations, and directions to meeting places, please call: (631) 537-9735.


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