Late Fall Bird Migration at Promised Land, Amagansett, with Joe Giunta: Adults

Late Fall Bird Migration at Promised Land, Amagansett, with Joe Giunta: Adults

November 3, 2019 @ 8:00 am
SOFO Members: Programs are free unless otherwise specified. Non-Members: Adults $15, Children $10 (Ages 3-12), Ages 2 & under free. This fee includes admission to the museum, in addition to the program.

Photo Credit: Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren

Walk Leader: Joe Giunta, birding instructor for Brooklyn Botanic Garden, trip leader for New York City Audubon and lecturer for many local chapters, and owner of Happy Warblers LLC, a birding and educational travel company

Joe Giunta, expert birder and delightful walk leader, will take you on this excursion to Promised Land, the perfect location to observe our songbirds during their late fall migration. The combination of ocean beach and field edges increases your opportunity to see late-migrating warblers as they journey south. On previous walks, eight species of sparrows have been seen, as well as a Dickcissel and a Snow Bunting. This location also provides an opportunity to see gannets and ocean ducks. Limited enrollment.

Advanced reservations are required for all events. For more information, reservations, and directions to meeting places, please call: (631) 537-9735.


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