It’s a Frog; No a Toad; No a Frog?: This program is for children ages 8 and older.
Program Leader: Sandra Reyes, SOFO Environmental Educator
Since many people seem to confuse frogs and toads, this is a good time to find out how they differ. Join Sandra as she points out the key differences between the two. SOFO’s Grey Tree Frog and our Fowlers Toad will be the animal ambassadors for this program. You’ll have a chance to look at them both, up-close, as Sandra points out the differences between the frog and her cousin the toad. Both of these amphibians are native to our area.
There is a $15 fee for Adults and $10 fee for children for this program. Members are free.
Advanced reservations are required for all events. To register for this program, please contact us at [email protected] or call 631-537-9735.