Full “STEAM” Ahead— Soil Science and Composting with scientist Rob Gelling and artist Magical Marla: This program is for children ages 7 and older.
Workshop Leaders: Rockin’ Rob Gelling, SOFO Environmental Educator & Aquarist and Magical Marla Nortman, artist and educator
How much of the waste you put in your kitchen garbage can could be turned in to rich soil for your gardens? What are the do’s and dont’s of composting? Screen finished compost in SOFO’s pile and test for the levels soil nutrients. What is ph? What is the pH of the compost soil? Bring in a ziplock bag of what you think is “compostable”! Now put on your smock and decorate a terracotta pot using paint and “skeleton” leaves. Finally, fill it with a compost/potting soil mix and insert a rooted plant cutting. Optional: Make your own plant cutting at home and bring to the program! Materials fee: $5
There is a $15 fee for Adults and $10 fee for children for this program. There is also a $5 material fee. Members only pay material fee.
Advanced reservations are required for all events. To register for this program, which has limited enrollment please contact us at [email protected] or call 631-537-9735.