Vernal Pool Walk—Their Ecological Importance: This program is for adults, teens, and children ages 8 and older.

Vernal Pool Walk—Their Ecological Importance: This program is for adults, teens, and children ages 8 and older.

March 12, 2022 @ 10:00 am

Vernal Pool Walk—Their Ecological Importance: This program is for adults, teens, and children ages 8 and older.

Walk Leader: Jake Kushner, SOFO Environmental Educator

Vernal pools are isolated seasonal wetlands found throughout the Northeast. On Long Island these unique wetlands provide a critical breeding habitat for various amphibian species. Given the temporary nature of these pools, they are often overlooked despite their ecological importance. This walk, at Tuckahoe Woods Preserve, will provide an opportunity to see these special habitats, and possibly the amphibians that utilize these pools, all while learning about their history, formation, and importance.

There is a $15 fee for Adults and $10 fee for children for this program. Members are free.

Advanced reservations are required for all events. To register for this program, which has limited enrollment please contact us at [email protected] or call 631-537-9735. Spots will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.


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