Today is Mother’s Day! Make Lunch for Mother Raccoon: Family/Children Ages 3 to 5

Today is Mother’s Day! Make Lunch for Mother Raccoon: Family/Children Ages 3 to 5

May 13, 2018 @ 10:30 am
SoFo Members: Programs are free unless otherwise specified. Non-Members: Adults $15, Children $10 (Ages 3-12), Ages 2 & under free. This fee includes admission to the museum, in addition to the program.

Program Presenter: Eleni Nikolopoulos, South Fork Natural History Museum Environmental Educator

Raccoons are our furry masked friends that we sometimes see at night, but what are they doing when they are scurrying around the forest floor? They are looking for food! In this program, we will figure out what foods might make a good meal for a raccoon. Since raccoons are omnivorous (meaning that they eat both plants and animals) there are many items in the forest that may make a great meal for them. We will make our own raccoon bellies and fill them with foods that we think a raccoon would like to eat. Afterward, we will figure out which group each nutritious food item is part of and why a raccoon might like to eat it.

Advance reservations are required for all events. For more information, reservations, and directions to meeting places, please call: (631) 537-9735.


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