Observing Ospreys – Watching the First Flight of a Young Osprey: This program is for adults, teens, and children ages 8 and older.

Observing Ospreys – Watching the First Flight of a Young Osprey: This program is for adults, teens, and children ages 8 and older.

July 3, 2022 @ 9:00 am
Sag Harbor

Observing Ospreys – Watching the First Flight of a Young Osprey: This program is for adults, teens, and children ages 8 and older.

Program Leader: Melanie Meade, SOFO Education & Outreach Coordinator

In early July, Osprey chicks are almost big enough to begin to fledge (when young birds first begin to fly). They start by exercising their wing muscles while still on their nest. Adult Osprey parent birds will perch in a nearby tree and whistle encouragement to the young birds until suddenly they fly off the nest under their own wing power. If we are lucky, we may see a first flight!

There is a $15 fee for Adults and $10 fee for children for this program. Members are free.

Advanced reservations are required for all events. To register for this program, please contact us at [email protected] or call 631-537-9735.


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