Events for March 13, 2025 - March 13, 2025

Young Environmentalists Society (YES!) Meeting

SOFO’s Young Environmentalists Society (YES!) is led by Mare Dianora, an interdisciplinary artist whose practice involves building community and creating connections to home and place. YES! is open to young […]

Seal Cruise, co-sponsored with CRESLI


For the second year in a row, the Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island (CRESLI) and the South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature […]

Owl Prowl with Frank Quevedo


Listen for the whinnying sound of the Eastern Screech Owl or maybe the seven-note hoot of the Great Horned Owl on this nighttime owl prowl that […]

Owl Storytime & Craft


Winter is a wonderful time to listen for our local owls since they are setting up their breeding territories, calling to their partners or warning other […]

Make Your Own Nature Suncatcher


Make a sun-catcher window decoration using natural materials. We will have pressed flowers, leaves, and recycled cardboard, or bring your own! Program Leader: Sydney Mantione, SOFO Environmental […]

Celebrate World Wetlands Day─Wetland Walk

In celebration of World Wetlands Day, we’ll go on a leisurely-paced walk through one of our local wetlands and learn about the different species that call […]

Let’s Make a Bird Feeder!


Birds that overwinter in colder regions need lots of calorie-dense foods to survive in the winter. Make a seed or suet-filled treat to attract birds to […]

Seal Cruise, co-sponsored with CRESLI


For the second year in a row, the Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island (CRESLI) and the South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature […]


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