Photo Credit: Bert de Tilly
The barrier beach area at Shinnecock is one of the few remaining undeveloped dune/salt marsh habitats on the eastern end of Long Island, an area that frequently has wintering Snowy Owls and Short-Eared Owls. Join Frank on this birding expedition at Shinnecock, one of SoFo’s most popular birding walks. If we’re lucky, we may see either of these two owls and even an American Bittern, Snow Bunting, or a lingering Clapper Rail. Bring binoculars and/or a spotting scope and a field guide to birds of the Eastern United States (if you have one). This walk is for adults and teens, although children over the age of 10 may attend.
Advance reservations are required for all events. For more information, reservations, and directions to meeting places, please call: (631) 537-9735.